Kristy Sherrod has had a love of writing since a simple short story assignment was given to her in the 7th grade at Chester County Junior High School. She has been writing in multiple genres ever since, with a focus on horror and suspense in fiction and local interest essays in non-fiction. Her no-nonsense approach to writing focuses on a variety of topics, including personal essays, local human interest stories, women’s equity, social justice, religion, travel, nature, and even local business reviews. Kristy has taught literature, creative writing, technology, and law in her 16 years as an educator and currently works as an Instructional Coach at South Side High School in the Jackson-Madison County School System. She graduated in 2002 from Lambuth University, and holds two education graduate degrees from Freed-Hardeman University. Kristy also holds a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Southern California and is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at Sewanee School of Letters at The University of the South and is expected to complete her thesis in December 2024 with graduation to follow in July 2025. Although most of her day and much of her writing time is spent in Jackson, Tennessee, she resides just down Highway 45 in Henderson, with her 17 year old rescue cat named Walter and a rambunctious 15 year old Yorkie named Sophie Belle.